Beginners Guide to Earn Money Online using Publisher friendly Affiliate Marketing
Are you new to blogging? Or your traffic is too less to start earning. Tried getting AdSense approval, but failed? Answers to all these questions were what I was looking for. So I totally understand the need to start with some source of money. Although to be honest earning money in blogging requires some time.
But it’s not early if you try those options which are available as soon as you get started with your blog. Right! What I did, I started with free blogging and searched for some ways to earn faster, because I needed to host my site. (I promised myself to not spend a single penny). I went through many options, got rejected by many. Here, I tried to put all my experiences together that I think you should try too for your blog.
These are some alternatives for easy Monetization of your blog that can help you to have some pocket money. If not many posts at least some good looking attractive banners. Haha. Now I m trying to minimise because I have got some money for my investment. As it is rightly said, quality is the gem for your true followers and so for the organic traffic to your site.
You are looking for an easy and faster way for newbies and freebies. Then I m one of you. And I m going to share how I started earning in just one month, with less traffic and only few posts. The disclaimer is I m just a student, everything I m telling is my own experience. Good point is that, it was that easy for me. However, some say it takes months, but here's how I earned my few dollars.
The list is of what i tried or know of before starting. I'll tell what I continued using.
1. Cuelink
- Easy to get approval (10 min to at max 1 day)
- All brands for all niches (600+ Merchants)
- Easiest to use, easy to go with less traffic. Depends on you how much purchase you bring. More the better.
- Easy conversion tracking,
- Commision is almost same as you get after direct affiliation ( but there you don't get approval). Good point right!
- Minimum payout - ₹500 ( less than 10$)
- Words monetization, widgets, coupons, banners

2. Admitad
- Easy interface for banners and widgets
- Easy conversion tracking
- More than 1600 affiliate program, some are one click joinable, some may require traffic and content
- Minimum payout 10$
3. Amazon affiliate program
- No affiliation requirements from your site ( can get approval at 0)
- Commision 2-10%
- Easy to use.
- Minimum payout 100$
- How to join is give here by Antsglobe Technologies on medium.

For the rest I don't have my own experience of using.
4. Viglink
- Easy to get approved
- Though minimum payout is 10$.
- It puts in-text affiliate link to words like mobiles, laptops, clothes, etc. Takes 2-3 days for approval.
- Multiple affiliate program at ease
- Dashboard to track your conversion rate
5. Adversal
- Requirement - over 50,000 page views and you should have your own domain. Okay don't count it for new bloggers, but this widely used by many.
- Otherwise, quick sign up and easy to use.
- Minimum Payout 20$
- It takes 2-3 days to review your site.
- User friendly dashboard.
- Among the best contextual ads network.
- Minimum payout is of 1000$.
- Can only have traffic from US, UK and Canada
7. Skimlinks
- More than 50,000 e-commerce merchants
- Minimize payout of 10$
- Automatic affiliate link to links in your site
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